Cloud Vs On-Premise DMS

Cloud Computing1

Many Wonder Why

Cloud Is Better Then On-Premise

Cloud is the future, and it is already here. We are using cloud applications in our day-to-day tasks. Microsoft Office, ERP, Accounting software, and the list goes on.
It is time to accept that future looks very easy for the IT Team in your company. It is projected that 80% of the businesses in the world will move to Cloud solutions as the Hardware market becomes heavier and heavier on the pocket.
Cloud is next, and it is knocking.

Let's Count The Points

Which Is Better For Your Organization?

Cloud DMS Installation

Easy To Scale

easy to scale, no office space required, global access to data, 24/7 server monitoring, inexpensive startup costs, and file sharing capabilities.


HIPPA Compliance is taken care of by us.

Remote Access

Employees can work over the internet from any web browser they choose.

Getting Started Cost

Cloud-based installation is license-based. We only charge per user license which covers everything. Even Support in many cases.

Maintenance & Updates

With cloud-based servers, server maintenance and updates are the responsibility of the cloud provider. This frees up time for your internal IT team to focus on other technology and future-proofing organization.

Cost Effective

If your business is growing quickly, your server needs will likely grow, too. Adding space to the cloud is easy and more cost-effective than the alternative.

Best Disaster Recovery

Cloud-based servers have built-in redundancies that many companies cannot afford in-house. This means your data can be restored fully and quickly in the event of a disaster.

One Price

All the above features come with Per User License cost. In many cases, support cost is part of the license cost.

Automated Backups

Our cloud server is enabled with live backup where each instance of our client is backed up on a different location in the USA via Dark Fiber.

Trusted Environment

Easy to start using as it is a tried and tested product with several hundred users using the system

Cost Reduction for Future

Reduces costs in the future. We can guarantee.

On-Premise DMS Installation

Difficult To Scale

Very expensive to scale, more office space required, hardware failure/data loss, manual maintenance, high-priced power + cooling consumption.

Compliance is your Responsibility

HIPPA Compliance will become client's responsibility.

Limited Access to

Limited to Internal Network. Can publish to a public IP with risks to the company data.

Expensive Then Cloud

Onsite servers typically come with a hefty upfront cost to purchase the servers and licensing for virtualization software.

Maintenance Can Be Difficult

If your business is growing quickly, your server needs will likely grow, too. Adding space to the cloud is easy and more cost-effective than the alternative.

More Costs To Follow

You can add more disk space, memory, and processing, but once you maximize the physical hosts’ resources, you will need to purchase more hardware to accompany your growing needs.

Recovery In Your hands

With onsite servers that have not been virtualized, it can take hours or even days to restore lost or damaged data. That is, if the damage allows for restoration at all.

Many Costs

The client will require to invest in a Server, maintenance, security firewall, and ETC and still pay for the EDMS license cost every year.

Manual Backups

Backup of the system will be the client’s responsibility. We, as a supplier, can advise the best practices but it will be a Client's responsibility to manage their backups.

Environment Testing By You

Server stress testing, uptime testing, daily maintenance, etc. will be the client’s responsibility.

Cost Will Rise In The Future

Increases cost in the future as the Hardware market continues to grow.

We Practice What We Preach.

All Our Clients Are On Cloud.

All our Clients in Kenya, and in the USA are only using Cloud setup DMS. They have future-proofed their organization. We think it’s time you do the same. Let us do a demo, and we are sure you and your team will be convinced.

We don’t talk about money, we talk about a Solution!

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